It took who won exactly 35 minutes by car to get to his grandmother's the nearest parking area is a four minute walk from her apartment one week he realized he spent 5 hours and 12 minutes traveling to her apartment then back home how many round trips did he make to visit his grandmother

(5*60) = 300

(300 + 12)/(35+9) = ?

I get

(300 + 12)/(2*(35+4))

To find out the number of round trips the person made, we need to calculate the total time spent on one round trip and divide the total traveling time by that number.

Let's break down the information given:

- It took 35 minutes by car to get to his grandmother's.
- The nearest parking area is a 4-minute walk from her apartment.
- One week, he spent 5 hours and 12 minutes traveling.

To calculate the total time spent on one round trip, we need to consider both the time spent traveling to his grandmother's and the time spent traveling back home.

Traveling to his grandmother's:
- Car travel time: 35 minutes
- Walking time from the parking area to her apartment: 4 minutes

Traveling back home:
- Car travel time: 35 minutes
- Walking time from her apartment to the parking area: 4 minutes

Total time spent on one round trip:
35 minutes (car travel) + 4 minutes (walking to apartment) + 35 minutes (car travel) + 4 minutes (walking to parking) = 78 minutes

Now, let's convert the total traveling time of 5 hours and 12 minutes into minutes:
5 hours = 5 * 60 = 300 minutes
12 minutes = 12 minutes

Total traveling time = 300 minutes + 12 minutes = 312 minutes

To find the number of round trips, we need to divide the total traveling time by the time spent on one round trip:
Number of round trips = Total traveling time / Time spent on one round trip

Number of round trips = 312 minutes / 78 minutes = 4 round trips

Therefore, he made 4 round trips to visit his grandmother.