Which is a right that both citizens and non-citizens in the U.S. share?

<----=my answer

A. the right to vote

B. the right to religious freedom <----

C. the right to run for public office

D. the right to have a job


B. the right to religious freedom

The correct answer is B. the right to religious freedom. Both citizens and non-citizens in the U.S. share this right.

To find the answer to this question, you can refer to the United States Constitution. Specifically, the First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees the right to religious freedom for all individuals, regardless of citizenship status. This amendment protects the freedom of individuals to practice and worship any religion of their choice or no religion at all.

It's important to note that while citizens and non-citizens share this right, there may be certain limitations or restrictions imposed on non-citizens in some cases. However, the fundamental principle of religious freedom applies to everyone within the United States.