When Joan works on Saturday she is paid at time and a half and double time on Sunday. She worked 6 hours on Saturday and 3 hours on Sunday.

To calculate Joan's total pay for working on Saturday and Sunday, we need to consider the different rates she receives for each day.

First, let's calculate Joan's pay for working on Saturday. Since she is paid at time and a half (1.5 times her regular pay rate), we can multiply her regular pay rate by 1.5 to determine her Saturday pay rate.

Next, multiply Joan's Saturday pay rate by the number of hours she worked on Saturday (6 hours). This will give us the total amount she earned for working on Saturday.

Now let's calculate Joan's pay for working on Sunday. She is paid double time (2 times her regular pay rate), so we can multiply her regular pay rate by 2 to determine her Sunday pay rate.

Finally, multiply Joan's Sunday pay rate by the number of hours she worked on Sunday (3 hours). This will give us the total amount she earned for working on Sunday.

To find Joan's total pay, add both amounts together (Saturday pay + Sunday pay).

Please provide me with Joan's regular pay rate, and I can help you calculate her total pay.