How is the formation of the solar system related to the big bang?(1 point)

1. The solar system formed about 9 billion years after the bigbang

2. The sun is located at the center of the universe

3. Earth is the center of the universe

4. Galaxies are moving away from each other, with galaxies farther away moving faster

"I dont know me" is right idk what pp is talking about

The truth is I don't know me is right so yea you can trust that guy bc I took it and got it right.

I don’t know me is correct, I got 100

not very directly.

Big Bang
Vast clouds of hydrogen and helium
clouds condense to form stars and surrounding unused gases
The leftover gases condense to form planets

After the stars burn out and explode in novas, heavier elements are formed
The shock waves impact surrounding gas clouds, and the process repeats, each time producing more of the heavy elements.

Our solar system is a 3rd-generation sun, allowing for the formation of rocky planets, as well as gas giants.

Hey guys so what I’m gonna say is “I don’t know me” is correct on everything but Number three number three is the sun is the center of the universe

that is the "correct" answer but its not true bc the universe has no center

The formation of the solar system is indirectly related to the Big Bang. Here's how:

1. The Big Bang: The Big Bang theory states that the universe started as an extremely hot and dense point, around 13.8 billion years ago. It rapidly expanded, creating space, time, and all the matter and energy we observe in the universe.

2. Cosmic Dust and Gas: After the initial expansion, the universe started to cool down. As it cooled, cosmic dust and gas began to form.

3. Star Formation: In regions where the dust and gas were particularly dense, gravitational forces started to act, causing the material to condense and clump together. These clumps eventually became the seeds of cosmic structures like galaxies and star clusters.

4. Protostellar Disk: Within these star-forming regions, the clumps of dust and gas started to collapse due to gravity. As they collapsed, they formed protostellar disks, which are flattened discs of rotating material.

5. Solar Nebula: Within one of these protostellar disks, the material began to accrete and form a dense core. This core, known as a solar nebula, became the precursor to our solar system.

6. Formation of the Sun and Planets: Within the solar nebula, the central region collapsed under gravity and formed the Sun, while the surrounding material in the disk began to coalesce into smaller bodies called planetesimals. These planetesimals then collided and merged over time to form planets, including Earth, in a process called accretion.

So, while not directly connected, the formation of our solar system is a product of the cosmic processes that originated from the Big Bang. The dust and gas created by the Big Bang eventually collapsed and formed the solar nebula, which gave rise to our Sun and the planets around it.

yall are dumb if yall thought "Earth is the center of the universe" was right sorry....


i dont know me is wrong