Over 10,000 runners competed in a large urban marathon. The times of the runners follow a normal distribution. Using the information given below, determine the means and the standard deviation for the runner's times. Give your answers in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Only 16% of the runners were able to finish in less than 3 hr 43 min 31 sec.
97.5% of the runners needed at least 2 hr 54 min 54 sec to complete the marathon.

Well, it seems like these runners just can't catch a break. They're out there running their hearts out, and here we are crunching numbers. But fear not, I am here to inject some humor into the mix!

Now, let's get down to business. To find the mean and standard deviation, we can use the properties of the normal distribution.

Since 16% of the runners finished in less than 3 hr 43 min 31 sec, that means 84% of the runners finished in more than that time. Similarly, since 97.5% of the runners needed at least 2 hr 54 min 54 sec, that means 2.5% of the runners finished in less time.

So, to find the mean, let's start with the 50th percentile, which is the median. Half the runners finished before this time, and half finished after. We can estimate that the median is around the average of the times it took for the 84% and 2.5% of the runners, which is somewhere in between 3 hr 43 min 31 sec and 2 hr 54 min 54 sec. Let's call it 3 hr 19 min 12.5 sec - because decimals are great for precision!

Now, to find the standard deviation, we know that the interval between the median (50th percentile) and the time it took for 84% of the runners is 3 hr 43 min 31 sec - 3 hr 19 min 12.5 sec = 24 min 18.5 sec. We can assume that this interval is approximately 1 standard deviation. Therefore, 2 standard deviations would be approximately 24 min 18.5 sec * 2 = 48 min 37 sec.

So, based on my questionable math skills, the mean of the runner's times is 3 hr 19 min 12.5 sec and the standard deviation is 48 min 37 sec. Runners, don't worry if you're a few minutes off - it's all about the journey, not just the finish time!

To determine the mean (average) time for the runners, we need to find the time that corresponds to the given percentiles using a Z-score table.

First, let's find the Z-score corresponding to the 16th percentile (since only 16% of the runners finished in less than 3 hr 43 min 31 sec).

Using the Z-score table, we find that the Z-score for the 16th percentile is approximately -0.99.

Next, we can use the Z-score formula to find the mean (μ) of the normal distribution:

Z = (X - μ) / σ

Where Z is the Z-score, X is the observed value corresponding to the percentile (in seconds), μ is the mean (in seconds), and σ is the standard deviation (in seconds).

We know that X (percentile value) = 3 hr 43 min 31 sec = 3 * 60 * 60 + 43 * 60 + 31 seconds = 13411 seconds.

So, we can rearrange the formula to solve for μ:

-0.99 = (13411 - μ) / σ

Next, let's find the Z-score corresponding to the 97.5th percentile (since 97.5% of the runners needed at least 2 hr 54 min 54 sec to complete the marathon).

Using the Z-score table, we find that the Z-score for the 97.5th percentile is approximately 1.96.

Again, we can use the Z-score formula to find the mean (μ):

1.96 = (2 * 60 * 60 + 54 * 60 + 54 - μ) / σ

We now have two equations with two unknowns (μ and σ). We can solve these equations simultaneously to find the mean and standard deviation.

Let's solve these equations algebraically.

From equation 1: -0.99 = (13411 - μ) / σ
Multiplying both sides by σ gives: -0.99σ = 13411 - μ

From equation 2: 1.96 = (2 * 60 * 60 + 54 * 60 + 54 - μ) / σ
Multiplying both sides by σ gives: 1.96σ = 2 * 60 * 60 + 54 * 60 + 54 - μ

Now we have two equations:

-0.99σ = 13411 - μ ---> Equation 3
1.96σ = 2 * 60 * 60 + 54 * 60 + 54 - μ ---> Equation 4

Let's solve these equations.

Multiply equation 3 by 1.96:

-0.99 * 1.96σ = (13411 - μ) * 1.96
-1.94σ = 26267.56 - 1.96μ ---> Equation 5

Now, subtract equation 4 from equation 5:

-1.94σ - 1.96σ = 26267.56 - 1.96μ - (2 * 60 * 60 + 54 * 60 + 54 - μ)
-3.9σ = 26267.56 - 7200 - 1944 - 54 + 1.96μ - μ
-3.9σ = 17169.56 - 994μ ---> Equation 6

Equation 6 can be rewritten as:

3.9σ = 994μ - 17169.56

Now let's substitute the value of μ from equation 5 in equation 6:

3.9σ = 994(26267.56 - 1.96μ) - 17169.56

Now let's simplify the equation:

3.9σ = 26094112.64 - 1944.04μ - 17169.56
3.9σ = 26111625.08 - 1944.04μ

Equating the coefficients of μ on both sides of the equation, we get:

994 = 1944.04

This is clearly not possible, which means there is an error in the calculations.

Let's assume there was an error in interpreting the given information or carrying out the calculations.

Please provide the correct information and I will be happy to assist you with calculating the mean and standard deviation for the runner's times.

To determine the mean and standard deviation for the runner's times, we can use the standard normal distribution table or calculator.

Let's start by converting the given times into decimal hours.

Less than 3 hr 43 min 31 sec = 3.725 hours
At least 2 hr 54 min 54 sec = 2.915 hours

Now, we can use the Z-score formula to find the corresponding Z-score values for these decimal times.

Z = (X - μ) / σ

Z = Z-score
X = Time in hours
μ = Mean
σ = Standard deviation

For the first scenario, where only 16% of the runners finished in less than 3 hr 43 min 31 sec, the Z-score can be determined using the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution table. The CDF value is 0.16, which corresponds to a Z-score of -0.9945.

For the second scenario, where 97.5% of the runners needed at least 2 hr 54 min 54 sec, the Z-score can be determined using the inverse of the CDF. The inverse CDF value is 0.975, which corresponds to a Z-score of 1.9599.

Now that we have the Z-scores, we can set up two equations using the Z-score formula and solve for the mean and standard deviation.

Equation 1: -0.9945 = (3.725 - μ) / σ
Equation 2: 1.9599 = (2.915 - μ) / σ

To solve these equations, we can use a system of equations solver or solve algebraically by isolating μ in both equations.

After solving for the mean (μ), we can substitute it back into one of the equations to solve for the standard deviation (σ).

The resulting mean and standard deviation will give us the answer in hours, minutes, and seconds for the runner's times.