Age Time

24 32.75
29 33.63
34 34.84
39 35.33
44 35.23
49 36.16
A group of students was evaluating the average times of groups of runners for a 5K marathon. Construct the scatterplot based on the data in the table

Here is the scatterplot based on the data:

- The x-axis represents the age of the runners.
- The y-axis represents the time taken by the runners.

| + |
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20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Each point on the graph represents an age and time pair from the table.

To construct a scatterplot based on the given data, follow these steps:

1. Set up a coordinate system: On a blank graph paper or using a graphing software, draw horizontal and vertical axes to represent age and time, respectively. Label the axes appropriately.

2. Plot the data points: Plot each data point as a distinct dot on the graph. For example, for the first data point (24, 32.75), locate the age of 24 on the x-axis and the time of 32.75 on the y-axis, and mark a dot at that point. Repeat this for all the other data points.

3. Connect the dots: Once all the data points are plotted, you can draw a line or curve that best represents the trend or pattern in the data. However, for a scatterplot, it is often best to leave the points unconnected to observe the individual data points and any potential trends.

4. Add labels and title: Don't forget to add labels to each axis, indicating the quantity being represented and the units of measurement. Additionally, give your scatterplot an appropriate title that summarizes the content or purpose of the graph.

By following these steps, you will be able to construct a scatterplot based on the given data, which visually represents the relationship between age and time for the 5K marathon runners.

To construct a scatterplot based on the data in the table, you will need to plot the age values on the x-axis and the corresponding time values on the y-axis. Here are the steps:

1. Set up a coordinate plane with the x-axis representing the age values and the y-axis representing the time values.
2. Mark the points on the graph for each pair of age and time values from the table:

- Plot the point (24, 32.75)
- Plot the point (29, 33.63)
- Plot the point (34, 34.84)
- Plot the point (39, 35.33)
- Plot the point (44, 35.23)
- Plot the point (49, 36.16)

3. Connect the points with a line or with a smooth curve. This will show the general trend of the data.

Your scatterplot should now be complete, showing the relationship between age and time for the group of runners.