Who was Matthew Ridgway?

the inventor and five-star general who introduced the use of synthetic oil in the US Army’s motor pool in Korea, saving government funds

a corporal who became lost during an offensive and was marooned deep in North Korea, where he survived for two years living off the land

MacArthur’s replacement who is credited with turning the tide of military action in Korea and promoting desegregation in the US Army

first cousin of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who became the US Army chief of staff under Truman until MacArthur’s firing for insubordination

is it c?
im pretty sure tho

No, the correct answer is not option C. Matthew Ridgway was a highly respected military figure, but he was not Franklin Delano Roosevelt's cousin or the US Army chief of staff under Truman.

Matthew Ridgway was a United States Army General who played a significant role in the Korean War. He served as the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division during World War II and was later appointed as the commanding general of the Eighth United States Army in Korea.

To find the correct answer, we can eliminate options B and D as well since they are not accurate descriptions of Matthew Ridgway's accomplishments.

That leaves us with option A, which states that Matthew Ridgway was the inventor and five-star general who introduced the use of synthetic oil in the US Army's motor pool in Korea, saving government funds.

While Matthew Ridgway was a notable military leader and innovator, introducing synthetic oil in the US Army's motor pool in Korea is not among his documented achievements. This means that none of the given options accurately describe Matthew Ridgway.

Apologies for the confusion, but none of the options provided is correct in describing Matthew Ridgway.