determine the mass of a solid on a filter paper

Need more data.

as always, density * volume

ρ * 1/3 Bh

Weigh the filter paper + stuff on the paper, subtract the weight of the filter paper and viola, you have the mass of the stuff on the paper.

To determine the mass of a solid on a filter paper, you will need a few tools and follow these steps:

1. Prepare the filter paper: Take a piece of filter paper and fold it into a cone or a boat shape. Ensure it is clean and dry before using it.

2. Zero the balance: Place an empty container or weigh boat onto a balance. Press the "tare" or "zero" button to reset the balance so that the weight of the container is not included in the final measurement.

3. Place the filter paper on the container: Carefully place the folded filter paper on the container or weigh boat on the balance.

4. Record the initial mass: Once the balance stabilizes and gives a reading, record the initial mass of the filter paper and container. This represents the combined weight of the filter paper and any solid you will add later.

5. Add the solid: Gently transfer the solid you want to measure onto the filter paper. Ensure that all the solid has been transferred and none is left behind.

6. Record the final mass: Allow the balance to stabilize again and record the final mass of the filter paper, container, and solid combined.

7. Calculate the mass of the solid: Subtract the initial mass (from step 4) from the final mass (from step 6). The result will give you the mass of the solid on the filter paper.

It's important to note that when handling solids on a filter paper, ensure that you do not touch the filter paper with your fingers, as oils from your skin can affect the measurement. Use tweezers or other appropriate tools for transferring the solid.