Briefly explain Two merits and Two demerits of Fees Must Fall Campaign in student fees in most higher education institution

The Fees Must Fall campaign in student fees in higher education institutions has sparked both positive and negative effects. Here are two merits and two demerits of the movement:


1. Accessibility to Education: One of the main merits of the Fees Must Fall campaign is its emphasis on making education more accessible to all students. The movement seeks to address the high cost of education, which can be a significant barrier for many students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. By advocating for reduced or free tuition fees, the campaign aims to ensure that education is not restricted to those who can afford it, but rather becomes a right for all.

2. Addressing Socioeconomic Inequality: The campaign also draws attention to the issue of socioeconomic inequality. By highlighting the excessive costs of education, it sheds light on the disparities that exist in society and the impact they have on individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The Fees Must Fall movement advocates for fairer distribution of resources and opportunities, challenging the structural inequalities within higher education institutions.


1. Disruption of Academic Activities: A major challenge associated with the Fees Must Fall campaign is the disruption it can cause to academic activities. Protests, demonstrations, and strikes can lead to the closure of institutions or suspension of classes, affecting the learning experience of students. The prolonged disruptions may also result in delays in the completion of academic programs, impacting the overall quality of education.

2. Financial Sustainability of Institutions: Another demerit is the potential impact on the financial sustainability of institutions. Higher education institutions heavily rely on tuition fees to cover various expenses, including faculty salaries, infrastructure development, and research funding. A significant reduction or elimination of student fees without alternative sources of funding can put institutions under financial strain, potentially compromising the quality and availability of educational resources.

In understanding the merits and demerits of the Fees Must Fall campaign, it is crucial to consider the wider context. Balancing the aspirations for accessible and affordable education with the financial sustainability of institutions poses a complex challenge that requires a comprehensive examination of the funding mechanisms and finding alternative solutions to address these issues.