After reading fawe study 1 & 2 , summarise your findings on the impact of risky teenage behaviour on one's well being by referring to the following

To summarize the impact of risky teenage behavior on one's well-being, I first need to explain how to access the mentioned studies (fawe study 1 & 2).

1. Identify the studies: Determine the complete titles or any specific details about the studies, such as authors, publication dates, or where they were conducted. This information will help in locating the studies more effectively.

2. Online search: Use a search engine (like Google) and enter the relevant keywords from the study titles or any additional details. For example, you could search for "fawe study 1 and 2 on risky teenage behavior."

3. Research platforms: Explore academic research platforms or databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar. These platforms host a vast collection of scholarly articles and studies. Use the information from step one to search for the specific studies within these platforms.

4. Access the studies: Once you find the studies, click on the links provided to access the full text. Some studies may require a subscription or membership, while others could be available for free. If you are unable to access the studies directly, consider reaching out to your local library or academic institutions for assistance.

After accessing the studies and reading them carefully, you can summarize the findings on the impact of risky teenage behavior on well-being. However, without specific information on the studies (title, authors, publication dates), I am unable to provide a direct summary at this time.