After reading Case Study 1 and 2 summarize your findings on the impact of risky teenage behaviour on one's well being by referring to the following spheres of well being

School work

To summarize the impact of risky teenage behavior on one's well-being, we will refer to the following spheres of well-being: physical, emotional, social, and academic. Please provide more information or context on Case Study 1 and Case Study 2, so I can assist you further.

To summarize the impact of risky teenage behavior on one's well-being, we can refer to the following spheres of well-being: physical, mental, social, and emotional. Let's examine the findings from Case Study 1 and Case Study 2 to gain insights into each sphere:

In terms of physical well-being, Case Study 1 reported that engaging in risky behaviors like substance abuse and unprotected sexual activity led to various health issues such as sexually transmitted infections, addiction, and physical injuries. Similarly, Case Study 2 highlighted the negative consequences of risky behaviors like drug abuse, which resulted in deteriorating physical health and increased vulnerability to diseases.

Regarding mental well-being, both case studies found a significant impact. Case Study 1 observed that risky behaviors often correlated with increased stress levels, depression, anxiety, and impaired cognitive abilities. Moreover, Case Study 2 indicated that involvement in risk-taking activities was associated with higher levels of psychological distress, leading to poor mental health outcomes.

When it comes to the social sphere of well-being, Case Study 1 revealed that risky teenage behaviors contributed to strained relationships within families, conflicts with peers, and reduced social support. Likewise, Case Study 2 noted that engaging in risky behaviors often led to social isolation, strained friendships, and strained relationships with authority figures.

Lastly, in terms of emotional well-being, Case Study 1 emphasized that risky behaviors were related to emotional instability, impulsivity, and heightened negative emotions. Case Study 2 echoed these findings, emphasizing that adolescents involved in risky behaviors experienced emotional difficulties such as anger, guilt, and shame.

To summarize, both case studies highlight the detrimental impact of risky teenage behavior on various spheres of well-being. These behaviors can harm physical health, negatively affect mental well-being, strain social relationships, and disrupt emotional stability.