Which of these best describes a situation where science is used? (2 points)

choosing a career after graduation

brushing teeth after having dinner

ordering food in a restaurant by looking at a menu card

predicting the weather by looking at the clouds

probably d

The situation that best describes the use of science is option d: predicting the weather by looking at the clouds.

The correct answer is D - predicting the weather by looking at the clouds. This situation best describes the use of science. To come to this conclusion, we need to understand what science is and how it is applied.

Science is a systematic and organized way of studying the world around us through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It is a methodical approach to understanding natural phenomena and explaining them through evidence-based explanations.

In the situation of predicting the weather by looking at the clouds, it involves observations of cloud formations and their characteristics to make an educated guess about the weather. This process is known as meteorology, which is a scientific discipline that studies weather patterns and atmospheric conditions.

By examining the cloud types, patterns, and movements, scientists and meteorologists can make predictions about the weather, such as whether it will rain, snow, or if there will be clear skies. These predictions are backed by scientific knowledge and understanding of how different weather patterns and cloud formations are associated with specific weather conditions.

In contrast, the other options listed in the question (a, b, and c) do not necessarily involve the use of science as directly as predicting the weather through cloud observation. While they may involve decision-making or actions based on personal preferences or general knowledge, they do not require the systematic observation, experimentation, and analysis that are characteristic of scientific inquiry.