If the mine winch drum diameter is 6m how far the cage will drop for each rotation of the drum

C= 2rrr

and r = 6/2 = 3 m

To determine how far the cage will drop for each rotation of the mine winch drum, we need to know the circumference of the drum. The circumference is a measure of the distance around the perimeter of a circle and can be calculated using the formula:

Circumference = π × diameter

Given that the drum diameter is 6 meters, we can calculate the circumference:

Circumference = π × 6

Now, let's calculate the circumference:

Circumference = 3.14159 × 6
= 18.84954 meters

Therefore, the circumference of the winch drum is approximately 18.85 meters.

Now, since each rotation of the drum corresponds to one revolution of the cage, the distance the cage will drop for each rotation is equal to the circumference of the drum, which is 18.85 meters.