Hi could a teacher\tutor here help me on this.

i need to find what property this is
The question is
Which property is shown by -3x(6+5)=-3x6+-3x5
my options are
Commutative property of multiplication
Identity property of multiplication
Associative property of multiplication
Distributive property

The distributive property of multiplication states that when a number is multiplied by the sum of two numbers, the first number can be distributed to both of those numbers and multiplied by each of them separately, then adding the two products together for the same result as multiplying the first number by the sum.


thank you so much

You are welcome.

To determine which property is being demonstrated by the equation -3x(6+5) = -3x6 + (-3x5), we can analyze the equation and compare it to the properties you listed.

The equation involves the multiplication operation, so we need to look for a property that deals with multiplication. Let's examine each option and determine if it applies:

1. Commutative property of multiplication: This property states that the order of factors does not affect the product. In other words, a x b is equal to b x a. Looking at the equation -3x(6+5) = -3x6 + (-3x5), we can see that the order of factors is not being changed; therefore, the commutative property of multiplication is not being shown.

2. Identity property of multiplication: This property states that multiplying any number by 1 will not change its value. In the given equation, there is no multiplication by 1, so the identity property of multiplication is not being demonstrated.

3. Associative property of multiplication: This property states that the grouping of factors does not affect the product. In other words, (a x b) x c is equal to a x (b x c). Looking at the equation -3x(6+5) = -3x6 + (-3x5), we can see that the grouping of factors is not being changed; therefore, the associative property of multiplication is not being shown.

4. Distributive property: This property states that multiplication distributes over addition or subtraction. Specifically, a x (b + c) is equal to (a x b) + (a x c). In the given equation, -3x(6+5) can be expanded as -3x6 + (-3x5), which matches the form of the distributive property. Therefore, the property being demonstrated by this equation is the distributive property.

Hence, the answer is the distributive property.