64 is 4 times the difference between Sarah's age, a, and 44. assume Sarah is older than 44.



Agree, even though Sarah's age changed from a to x.

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation based on the given information. Let's define Sarah's age as 'a'.

According to the given information, we know that 64 is 4 times the difference between Sarah's age, 'a', and 44. Mathematically, we can represent this as:

64 = 4(a - 44)

To find the value of 'a', we need to solve this equation.

First, distribute the 4 to the terms inside the parentheses:

64 = 4a - 4(44)

Next, simplify the equation by multiplying 4 and 44:

64 = 4a - 176

Now, let's isolate the 'a' term by moving -176 to the other side of the equation:

64 + 176 = 4a

240 = 4a

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for 'a':

240 / 4 = a

60 = a

Therefore, Sarah's age, 'a', is 60.