A - Text to world, Text to self - text to text

connection is when something in a text reminds the reader of something in his or her own life.

When reading a text, we often make connections between what we are reading and our own personal experiences, other stories we have read, or events happening in the world. These connections can fall into three categories: text-to-world, text-to-self, and text-to-text connections.

A text-to-world connection occurs when something in the text reminds us of something happening in the real world. For example, if you are reading a story about a family struggling with poverty, it might remind you of a news article you recently read about the increasing rates of poverty in your country. This connection helps us understand the text on a deeper level by relating it to something familiar in our own lives.

A text-to-self connection is when something in the text reminds us of a personal experience we have had. For instance, if you are reading a novel about a young person moving to a new school, it might remind you of your own experience moving to a new town and starting at a different school. This connection allows us to empathize with the characters in the text and makes the reading experience more relatable.

Lastly, a text-to-text connection is when something in the text reminds us of another book or story we have read. For example, if you are reading a science fiction novel and notice similarities with another science fiction book you read in the past, you can make a text-to-text connection. This connection allows us to draw upon our previous reading experiences and make connections between different texts.

To identify and make these connections, it's important to actively engage with the text while reading. This can involve reflecting on your own experiences, recalling other stories you have read, or making connections to current events in the world. These connections deepen our understanding of the text and enhance our overall reading experience.