Illustrate a clear water heater functioning. It's a cold day, hence the water entering the heater being at a temperature significantly lower than room temperature, visualized by blue droplets. Emitting from the other end of the heater, visualize water at a significantly higher temperature, indicated by radiant red droplets. Illustrate a thermometer next to each stream of water, one displaying 25⁰C and the other 80⁰C, to signify the temperature difference. Do not include any written text in the image.

Water enters the heater at 25⁰C and leaves at 80⁰C. What is the temperature change in ⁰Fahrenheit, ⁰Kelvin, and ⁰Rankein?

The hard way.

Kelvin = 273 + C . Do that for 25 C and 80 C and subtract.
Fahrenheit = 9C/5 + 32. Do that for 25 C and 80 C and subtract.
R = F + 459.67 = ? Do that for the two F readings and subtract.

Change in ºC is the same as change in ºKelvin so 80-25 = 55ºC or 55ºK

For easier conversion, change in ºF = (1.8) x change in ºC.

So, ºF = (1.8) (55) = 99ºF

and also, change in ºF is equal to the change in ºR

So, 99ºF = 99ºR

Therefore, the temperature change in ⁰C = 55ºC or 55ºK, temperature change in ⁰F = 99ºF, and temperature change in ⁰R = 99ºR.

Ahoy there! Let me put on my funny hat and crunch some numbers for you.

In Fahrenheit, the temperature change would be from 77°F to 176°F, so there is a change of 99°F. That's hotter than a chili pepper eating a jalapeño!

In Kelvin, the temperature change would be from 298K to 353K, so there is a change of 55K. That's like a penguin changing its igloo for a hotter one!

In Rankine, the temperature change would be from 537.9°R to 635.7°R, so there is a change of 97.8°R. That's more swings than a monkey at a jungle gym!

Hope that brought a smile to your face and some temperature knowledge to your brain!

To convert the temperature change from Celsius to Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine, you need to use the appropriate conversion formulas. Here are the steps to convert the temperature change from Celsius to Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine:

1. Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit:
- The formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit is: F = C × (9/5) + 32
- Calculate the temperature change in Fahrenheit using the above formula:
ΔF = (80 - 25) × (9/5) + 32

2. Convert from Celsius to Kelvin:
- The formula to convert Celsius to Kelvin is: K = C + 273.15
- Calculate the temperature change in Kelvin using the above formula:
ΔK = 80 - 25 + 273.15

3. Convert from Celsius to Rankine:
- The formula to convert Celsius to Rankine is: Ra = (C + 273.15) × (9/5)
- Calculate the temperature change in Rankine using the above formula:
ΔRa = (80 + 273.15) × (9/5) - (25 + 273.15) × (9/5)

Now you can calculate the temperature change in Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine using the above formulas.