Can anyone send links to proper algebra 1 papers

Certainly! To find proper Algebra 1 papers, you can follow these steps:

1. Search on educational websites: Begin by searching on reputable educational websites such as Khan Academy, Math-Drills, or MathisFun. These websites often offer free resources and printable worksheets for various math topics, including Algebra 1.

2. Check official exam boards: Visit official exam board websites that offer Algebra 1 materials. For example, in the United States, College Board's website provides sample questions and past papers for Algebra 1.

3. Utilize online forums and communities: Participate in online math forums and communities where teachers and students share resources. Websites like Math Stack Exchange or Reddit's r/learnmath or r/algebra can be helpful in finding recommended practice papers or study materials.

4. Contact local schools or educational institutions: Reach out to local schools, libraries, or educational institutions and request access to any Algebra 1 papers they may have available. Sometimes they are willing to share resources.

Note: When downloading or accessing exam papers or materials, always ensure that you are following copyright laws and the distribution permissions specified by the provider.

Remember, it is important to verify the reliability and accuracy of the resources you find online, especially when it comes to official exams or assessments.