Make m the subject of the relation h=Mt/d(m+p)


m+p = Mt/dh
now finish it off

To make m the subject of the relation h=Mt/d(m+p), we will rearrange the equation to isolate m. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Distribute Mt in the denominator:
h = (Mt/d)(1/(m+p))

Step 2: Flip the fractions using the reciprocal property:
h = Mt/(d(m+p))

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by (m+p):
h(m+p) = Mt

Step 4: Expand the left side of the equation:
h*m + h*p = Mt

Step 5: Move the h*m term to the other side of the equation:
h*p = Mt - h*m

Step 6: Factor out m on the right side of the equation:
h*p = m(t - h)

Step 7: Divide both sides of the equation by (t - h):
m = (h*p)/(t - h)

So, the subject of the relation h = Mt/d(m+p) is m, and it can be expressed as m = (h*p)/(t - h).

To make m the subject of the relation h = Mt / d(m + p), we need to isolate m on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Distribute Mt to both terms in the denominator.
h = Mt / dm + Mtp

Step 2: Move the term containing m to the other side of the equation.
hdm + hMtp = Mt

Step 3: Factor out m from the left side of the equation.
m(hd + hMp) = Mt

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by (hd + hMp) to isolate m.
m = Mt / (hd + hMp)

Therefore, the expression for m as the subject of the relation h = Mt / d(m + p) is m = Mt / (hd + hMp).

The way you typed it ....

dh/(Mt) = m + p
dh/(Mt) - p = m

if you meant:
h=Mt/( d(m+p) ) , then
dh(m+p) = Mt
dhm + dhp = Mt
dhm = Mt - dhp
m = (Mt - dhp)/(dh)