The products of the reaction between zinc and sulfruric acid are zinc sulfate, hydrogen sulfide, and water. Balance the equation using the electron-transfer method

Zn + H2SO4 ==> ZnSO4 + H2S + H2O

Zn changes from 0 on the left to +2 on the right for loss of 2e.
S changes from +6 on the left in SO4^2- to -2 on the right for gain of 8e.
(S in SO4 also is on the left and right unchanged but we take care of that later)
So we multiply Zn by 4 (to make 4 x 2 = 8e and H2SO4 by 1 (to make 1 x 8 = 8e gained) this way.
4Zn + 1H2SO4 ==> 4ZnSO4 + 1H2S + H2O
That takes care of the redox part. Zn is OK but we have added 4 SO4^2- on the right from the 4ZnSO4 so we need to add 4 more H2SO4 to balance the non-redox part this way.
4Zn + 5H2SO4 ==> 4ZnSO4 + 1H2S + H2O
Then finish balancing by inspection.
4Zn + 5H2SO4 ==> 4ZnSO4 + H2S + 4H2O
Done but note that this is not the USUAL rxn with Zn and H2SO4.

Sure! Here's how the reaction equation can be balanced using the electron-transfer method:

Zn + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + H2S + H2O

Now that we have a balanced equation, let's take a moment to appreciate the elements involved. Zinc and sulfuric acid decided to have a little party, and they invited some of their friends along!

First, zinc arrived with its shiny brilliance and a desire to mingle. Then, sulfuric acid entered with its acidic charm and a willingness to make everything interesting. They started reacting, and before you knew it, a whole host of products emerged from this wild chemical rendezvous!

Zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) crashed the party, its electric blue complexion capturing everyone's attention. Meanwhile, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) made a rather stinky entrance, causing some people to hold their noses. And of course, water (H2O) joined the fun, providing a refreshing interlude amidst all the excitement.

So, there you have it—a balanced equation and the lively party scene that transpired between zinc, sulfuric acid, and their delightful product pals. Chemistry sure knows how to throw a good time!

The balanced equation for the reaction between zinc and sulfuric acid using the electron-transfer method is as follows:

Zn + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + H2S + H2O

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how the equation is balanced using the electron-transfer method:

1. Write down the unbalanced equation:

Zn + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + H2S + H2O

2. Identify the oxidation states of the elements involved:

In this reaction, zinc (Zn) is being oxidized from an oxidation state of 0 to +2, and sulfur (S) is being reduced from an oxidation state of +6 to -2.

3. Break down the reaction into two half-reactions, one for oxidation and one for reduction:

Oxidation half-reaction: Zn -> Zn2+ + 2e-
Reduction half-reaction: H2SO4 + 8e- -> H2S + 4H2O

4. Balance the electrons transferred in each half-reaction:

In the oxidation half-reaction, 2e- are needed to balance the charge on the zinc ion (Zn2+). Therefore, multiply the oxidation half-reaction by 2 to balance the electrons:
2Zn -> 2Zn2+ + 4e-

In the reduction half-reaction, 8e- are needed to balance the charge on the sulfate ion (SO4^2-). Therefore, multiply the reduction half-reaction by 4 to balance the electrons:
4H2SO4 + 32e- -> 4H2S + 16H2O

5. Combine the balanced half-reactions:

Multiply each half-reaction by the necessary coefficients to ensure that the number of electrons transferred is the same in both equations. In this case, multiply the oxidation half-reaction by 8 and the reduction half-reaction by 1:

16Zn + 16H2SO4 -> 16ZnSO4 + 8H2S + 32H2O

6. Simplify the equation by canceling out any common terms:

2Zn + 2H2SO4 -> 2ZnSO4 + H2S + 4H2O

The final balanced equation, using the electron-transfer method, is:

Zn + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + H2S + H2O

To balance the equation for the reaction between zinc and sulfuric acid using the electron-transfer method, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the unbalanced chemical equation.

Zn + H₂SO₄ → ZnSO₄ + H₂S + H₂O

Step 2: Identify the oxidation states of each element.

In this equation, zinc (Zn) initially has an oxidation state of 0, while hydrogen (H) and sulfur (S) have oxidation states of +1 and +6, respectively.

Step 3: Determine which elements are being oxidized and reduced.

In this reaction, zinc is being oxidized from an oxidation state of 0 to +2, while sulfur is being reduced from +6 to -2.

Step 4: Split the reaction into two half-reactions, one for oxidation and one for reduction.

Oxidation half-reaction: Zn → Zn²⁺ + 2e⁻
Reduction half-reaction: H₂SO₄ + 8H⁺ + 8e⁻ → H₂S + 4H₂O

Step 5: Balance the atoms other than hydrogen and oxygen in the half-reactions.

In the oxidation half-reaction, the number of zinc atoms is already balanced. In the reduction half-reaction, there are 8 hydrogen atoms on the left side and 12 hydrogen atoms on the right side. To balance the hydrogen atoms, add 4 H⁺ on the left side.

Oxidation half-reaction: Zn → Zn²⁺ + 2e⁻
Reduction half-reaction: H₂SO₄ + 4H⁺ + 8e⁻ → H₂S + 4H₂O

Step 6: Balance the charges in the half-reactions.

In the oxidation half-reaction, the charge is balanced as zinc loses 2 electrons. In the reduction half-reaction, the total charge on the left side is +4 from H₂SO₄ and +4 from H⁺, making it +8 in total. To balance the charges, add 8 electrons to the left side.

Oxidation half-reaction: Zn → Zn²⁺ + 2e⁻
Reduction half-reaction: H₂SO₄ + 4H⁺ + 8e⁻ → H₂S + 4H₂O

Step 7: Multiply the half-reactions if necessary to eliminate the electrons.

In this case, the number of electrons in both half-reactions is already equal, so no multiplication is required.

Oxidation half-reaction: Zn → Zn²⁺ + 2e⁻
Reduction half-reaction: H₂SO₄ + 4H⁺ + 8e⁻ → H₂S + 4H₂O

Step 8: Add the half-reactions together and cancel out common substances.

Now that the half-reactions are balanced, add them together and cancel out any common substances on both sides of the equation:

Zn + H₂SO₄ + 4H⁺ → ZnSO₄ + H₂S + 4H₂O

Finally, we have balanced the equation according to the electron-transfer method for the reaction between zinc and sulfuric acid.