two laws that protects citizens against gender based violence.

Here is one for Orientation.

The Special Law on Gender Based Violence (Law 84/VII/11) defines violence against women as a symptom of unequal power relations and a mechanism to control women.

1. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): VAWA is a law enacted in the United States that provides legal protections and resources to victims of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. It establishes programs and funding to support survivors and their families, and it enhances the criminal justice response to these crimes.

2. The Domestic Violence Act (DVA): The DVA is a law implemented in many countries that specifically addresses domestic violence and provides protections for victims. It includes provisions for restraining orders, emergency shelters, and counseling services. The DVA typically seeks to prevent and punish domestic violence, preserve the safety and well-being of victims, and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. It also promotes public awareness and education on gender-based violence.

Two laws that protect citizens against gender-based violence are:

1. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): This law was initially enacted in the United States in 1994 and has since been reauthorized several times. VAWA aims to address domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. It provides funding for victim services, training for law enforcement officials, and enhances legal protections for victims. It also established provisions to hold offenders accountable and promotes prevention and education programs.

To find more information about the Violence Against Women Act, you can:

- Visit the official website of the United States Department of Justice.
- Search for the specific legislation by using legal databases or government websites.
- Look for information from reputable organizations working in the field of violence against women and gender-based violence.

2. Domestic Violence Act (DVA): Many countries have specific laws that address domestic violence, which is a form of gender-based violence. The Domestic Violence Act typically provides legal remedies and protection for victims of domestic violence, including restraining orders, emergency shelters, and financial assistance. It also sets out penalties for offenders.

To find information about the Domestic Violence Act in a specific country, you can:

- Consult the government's official legislation website or legal databases.
- Seek information from the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Ministry of Justice, or relevant departments or agencies responsible for gender equality and women's rights.
- Look for resources from reputable non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in the field of gender-based violence prevention and response.

Remember, the specific laws and their provisions may vary between different countries. It is important to research the laws in place within your jurisdiction to get accurate and up-to-date information.

Describe two ways in which the law protects citizens against Gender Based Violence