name the laws or legislation that protects citizens against gender based violence

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The Special Law on Gender Based Violence (Law 84/VII/11) defines violence against women as a symptom of unequal power relations and a mechanism to control women. The primary focus of the GBV Law is to regulate the measures needed to effectively achieve the principle of gender equality, to repress and make perpetrators accountable, and guarantee support to victims.

name the law that protects citizens against gender based violence

There are several laws or legislations that protect citizens against gender-based violence. Here are a few examples:

1. Criminal Laws: Most countries have criminal laws that address gender-based violence. These laws typically make acts such as domestic violence, sexual assault, , and harassment illegal. They define these offenses, set penalties for offenders, and establish procedures for reporting, investigating, and prosecuting these crimes.

2. International Conventions: Various international conventions aim to protect individuals from gender-based violence. For instance, the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) obligates signatory countries to take measures to prevent all forms of violence against women and girls.

3. Domestic Violence Laws: Many countries have enacted specific legislation to address domestic violence. These laws usually provide protection orders that can be obtained by victims to keep their abusers away and ensure their safety. They may also establish support services, helplines, and shelters for victims.

4. Sexual Harassment Laws: Laws addressing sexual harassment can protect individuals from experiencing harassment in the workplace or other settings. These laws define what constitutes sexual harassment, establish reporting mechanisms, and provide remedies for victims.

5. Human Rights Laws: Gender-based violence often violates basic human rights. Human rights laws, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, protect individuals from violence and discrimination based on gender. These laws can be used to hold governments accountable for preventing and addressing gender-based violence.

It's important to note that laws and legislations vary by country and jurisdiction, so it's advisable to consult the specific laws in your country for a comprehensive understanding of the protections against gender-based violence that are available.

The laws and legislation that protect citizens against gender-based violence vary from country to country. However, I can provide you with some common examples that exist in many jurisdictions. To find the specific laws in your country, it's best to consult your local legal resources or contact a legal professional.

1. Domestic Violence Laws: Many countries have enacted laws to address domestic violence, which includes gender-based violence within intimate or familial relationships. These laws typically provide protection orders and legal remedies for victims, as well as penalties for offenders.

2. Sexual Assault Laws: Sexual assault laws define and criminalize non-consensual sexual acts. They may include provisions that specifically address gender-based violence, such as recognizing certain actions as sexual offenses based on the victim's gender.

3. Harassment and Stalking Laws: Laws against harassment and stalking aim to protect individuals from persistent unwanted behaviors that can often be gender-based. They establish legal measures to prevent and respond to such acts.

4. Anti-Discrimination Laws: While not specifically focused on gender-based violence, anti-discrimination laws often prohibit gender-based violence in various contexts, such as employment, housing, and education. These laws aim to prevent discrimination and provide remedies if someone experiences violence due to their gender.

5. International Conventions and Treaties: Some countries have ratified international conventions and treaties that address gender-based violence, such as the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Istanbul Convention. These agreements provide a framework for countries to develop legislation and policies for preventing and combating gender-based violence.

Remember to consult the legal resources specific to your country to identify the exact laws that protect individuals against gender-based violence.