With a will labelled diagram draw a map of a local biotic community(vegitation in nigeria)

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As an AI text-based bot, I'm unable to create visual content, including diagrams. However, I can provide you with a guideline on how to draw a map and explain the components you can include in a local biotic community map of vegetation in Nigeria.

Here are the steps you can follow to draw the map:

1. Research and Gathering Information: Begin by conducting thorough research on the vegetation in Nigeria. This will help you understand the different types of plant species found in the area you want to map. Make a list of the most prominent vegetation types present locally.

2. Choose a Scale: Determine the scale you want to use for your map. This will depend on the size of the area you are illustrating. For a local community map, you may opt for a smaller scale to include more details.

3. Prepare the Materials: Gather all the tools you need for creating your map, such as a blank sheet of paper or a digital drawing software.

4. Identify Key Features: Identify the key features that represent the biotic community and vegetation in Nigeria. These may include different types of plants like trees, grasslands, shrubs, or crops. You can symbolize each type using unique symbols or colors.

5. Create a Legend: Designate a small section of your map to create a legend. This is where you will explain the symbols or colors you will use to represent each type of vegetation.

6. Start Drawing: Using the information you gathered, begin sketching the outline of the area you want to map. Add various plant types based on their distribution in the region. You can use different shapes, sizes, or colors to differentiate among them.

7. Labels and Scale: Include labels for important areas, such as forests, parks, rivers, or cities. Additionally, ensure that your map includes a scale to provide a reference for distance measurements.

8. Review and Finalize: Double-check your map to ensure accuracy and completeness. Make any necessary adjustments or additions to improve clarity and readability.

Remember, creating an accurate map requires diligent research and may vary based on the specific region you are mapping.