Daniel has a money market account with $1200.The bank offered him a special rate of 5.25% per month.How much money will Daniel have after the first month

Maybe you mean 5.25/12 % per month?

0.0525/12 = 0.004375
every month multiply by 1.004375

Otherwise please let me know where this bank is :)

To calculate how much money Daniel will have after the first month, we need to use the formula for compound interest:

A = P(1 + r)^t

A = the amount of money Daniel will have after the first month
P = the principal amount (initial amount in the account) = $1200
r = the interest rate per period (monthly rate) = 5.25% = 0.0525
t = the number of periods (months) = 1

Plugging these values into the formula, we can calculate the amount of money Daniel will have after the first month:

A = 1200(1 + 0.0525)^1

A = 1200(1.0525)

A ≈ $1266

Therefore, Daniel will have approximately $1266 in his money market account after the first month.