If you see that your bank account has had some money taken out that you have not authorized which of the following is one action you can take to defend yourself? 1 file a police report 2 add more money to the bank account 3 try to contact the person you think took your money 4 Leave the bank account open to see if more money is taken

The correct action to defend yourself if you see unauthorized money taken out of your bank account would be:

1. File a police report.

By filing a police report, you can document the incident and provide evidence in case you need it for further investigations or resolving the issue with your bank. It is crucial to report any fraudulent activity to the authorities as soon as possible.

The appropriate action you can take to defend yourself if you see unauthorized money being taken out of your bank account is:

1. File a police report: Reporting the unauthorized transaction to the police is important as it helps establish a record of the incident and can aid in the investigation.

It is not advisable to take the following actions:

2. Adding more money to the bank account: Adding more money to the account does not address the issue of unauthorized transactions. Instead, it could potentially lead to more money being stolen.

3. Trying to contact the person you think took your money: It is not recommended to directly contact the person you suspect of taking your money. Leave the investigation to the authorities and let them handle the situation.

4. Leaving the bank account open to see if more money is taken: Taking no action and leaving the bank account open could result in further unauthorized transactions and potentially more financial loss. Promptly reporting the incident to your bank and the police is crucial.

If you notice unauthorized activity on your bank account, it's important to take immediate action to protect yourself. Here are the recommended steps you can take:

1. File a police report: Contact your local law enforcement agency and file a complaint about the unauthorized transaction. Provide them with all the relevant details, including the transaction amounts, dates, and any supporting evidence you have. The police report will serve as an official document to document the fraud and can be helpful in resolving the issue.

2. Contact your bank: Reach out to your bank immediately to report the unauthorized activity. Most banks have fraud departments that specialize in handling such cases. They will guide you through the necessary steps to secure your account and initiate an investigation into the fraudulent transactions. Be prepared to provide them with specific details about the unauthorized activity.

3. Do not add more money to the account: Adding more money to your bank account will not help resolve the issue or protect your funds. It's crucial to stop any further unauthorized transactions from occurring by working with your bank and taking appropriate measures.

4. Do not contact the person you suspect: It is not advisable to contact the person you suspect took your money on your own. Leave the investigation and resolution to the authorities and your bank. Engaging with the suspected individual directly may complicate matters or even put you at risk.

Always remember to monitor your bank account regularly for any unusual activity and report any suspicious transactions to your bank promptly.