Multiple Choice

Which of the following is not part of the theory of evolution?

Organisms tend to produce more offspring than can survive to reproductive age.

Organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime that can help their species survive.

Organisms that do not survive to reproduce do not pass on their traits.

D. Organisms have variations in traits within a population.

I have the answers for this practice quiz, i am saying the truth i got a 2/9 on the quiz because there was false answers. but here are the answers.

1. B. Organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime that can help their species survive.

2. C. Some environmental change severely threatened cave bear survival but not the survival of brown or black bears.

3. A.The split between mammals and nonmammals in the tree of life needs to be shifted back.

4. D. vestigial structure; indicates that monkeys and humans shared a common ancestor that had a tail

5. C. to discourage herbivores

6. D. Some event must occur leading to two or more groups within a population that cannot interbreed.

7. C. Speciation will rapidly occur in one of the snail populations that landed on new islands but not in the other two snail populations

8. C. Species A and B are more closely related to one another than either is related to Species C.

9. A. common ancestor; extinction

It's your choice if you'd like to trust me or not but i am not lying.
Thank you.

omg thank you i got a 9/9 aka 100 tysm <3.

"help?" is right!!!!

thanks "help?" i got the quiz right :)

To determine which of the following is not part of the theory of evolution, we need to understand the key concepts of evolution. The theory of evolution, first proposed by Charles Darwin, explains how species change over time through the process of natural selection.

Let's examine each option:

A. Organisms tend to produce more offspring than can survive to reproductive age.
This concept, known as overproduction, is a fundamental part of the theory of evolution. It suggests that organisms produce more offspring than can possibly survive, leading to competition for resources and survival.

B. Organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime that can help their species survive.
This concept, known as Lamarckism or the inheritance of acquired characteristics, was proposed before the theory of evolution but is no longer considered a valid explanation for the mechanism of evolution. Therefore, option B is a potential candidate for the answer.

C. Organisms that do not survive to reproduce do not pass on their traits.
This concept, known as natural selection, is a core principle of the theory of evolution. It explains that individuals with traits that are advantageous for survival and reproduction are more likely to pass on these traits to the next generation.

D. Organisms have variations in traits within a population.
This concept, known as variation, is another important aspect of the theory of evolution. It states that organisms within a population exhibit differences in traits, such as height, color, or behavior. These variations provide the raw material for natural selection to act upon.

Based on the explanations above, it becomes clear that the correct answer is B. Organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime that can help their species survive. This concept is not a part of the theory of evolution as it was proposed by Lamarck but is not supported by the currently accepted understanding of genetics and evolutionary biology.