Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

(02.04 MC)

What does the theory of evolution tell us about how organisms adapt to their environment over time?

Natural selection occurs before changes in the environment.
A population changes in response to a change in the environment.
Environmental changes can be predicted based on changes in a population.
Natural selection leads to the survival of the population with the most complex traits.
Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.04 MC)

Turtle X has a hard, sharp beak with a short neck; and Turtle Y has no beak and has a very long neck. What is the correct typical diet for the two turtles?

Turtle X and Turtle Y break nuts and dig for food on the ground.
Turtle X and Turtle Y reach for food higher up on bushes and trees.
Turtle X reaches for food higher up on bushes and trees; and Turtle Y breaks nuts and digs for food on the ground.
Turtle X breaks nuts and digs for food on the ground; and Turtle Y reaches for food higher up on bushes and trees.
Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.01 MC)

Which of these is an example of mutualism?

Cattle egret eats the exposed insects as the cattle graze
Honeybee pollinates a flower while gathering nectar
Tick gains nourishment by sucking blood from a dog
Two bucks fight to gain territory and to gain a mate
Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.01 LC)

Which of these is an interaction in which the host is harmed?

Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.04 MC)

Which description justifies why the theory of evolution is a theory and not a law?

Explains how organisms change in response to the environment
Predicts which organism is best suited to the environment
Supported by a small amount of empirical evidence
With more evidence it will become a law
Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.02 MC)

Which factors are most likely to limit population growth in the Atacama desert?

High moisture and lack of sunlight
High moisture and excessive sunlight
High temperature and low precipitation
High temperature and high precipitation
Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.04 MC)

A scientist is designing an investigation to study the impact of the neck length of tortoises on survival rates in the Galapagos islands. What is most likely the outcome variable (dependent variable) in this investigation?

Neck length
Survival rate
Number of predators
Galapagos island environment
Question 11(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.03 LC)

Which physical feature is evidence that supports the evolution of Earth due to volcanic eruptions?

Bryce Canyon
Great Blue Hole, Belize
Hawaiian Islands
Wave Rock, Australia
Question 12(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.04 MC)

The poison dart frog can have bright green, red, blue, or yellow skin that secretes a poisonous substance when it feels threatened. Which type of adaptation does this describe?

Warning coloration
Chemical defense
Question 13(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.02 MC)

A scientist is designing an investigation to study the impact of fungal disease on the population of mountain yellow-legged frog in a recreational nature park. What is most likely the outcome variable (dependent variable) for the study?

Frog population
Fish population
Disease-controlled habitat
Native habitat in natural setting
Question 14(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.03 LC)

A scientist studied four pieces of fossil evidence that show the evolution of the modern-day man. These date back to 2 million years, 1 million years, 0.5 million years, and 0.25 million years ago. Which fossil is the least similar to the modern-day man?

0.25 million years
0.5 million years
1 million years
2 million years
Question 15(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.02 LC)

Which of these serves as a reference for comparison during a scientific investigation?

Outcome variable (dependent variable)
Test variable (independent variable)
Control group
Question 16(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.03 LC)

How has the discovery of 5,300-year-old Ötzi, the Iceman, helped scientists in their knowledge?

Ötzi, the Iceman, was as old as previously thought.
Ötzi, the Iceman, existed at a time when the climate was warm.
Precise knowledge about his food and clothing is available.
Humans from that period are exactly same as modern humans.

Question 17(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.03 MC)

While visiting the Grand Canyon, you observe the exposed layers of rock on the valley. What natural process most likely caused the valley to form?

Chemical weathering
Question 18(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)
(02.01 LC)

What type of relationship exists between two organisms if both of them benefit from the relationship?


Actually I think I just figured them out. Thank you for your help though:)

You are dumb


lol sorry:)

Question 4: The theory of evolution tells us that a population changes in response to a change in the environment. To get this answer, you need to understand the basic principles of evolution and how organisms adapt to their environment over time.

Question 5: Based on the description of the two turtles, Turtle X has a hard, sharp beak with a short neck, while Turtle Y has no beak and has a very long neck. Considering their physical characteristics, the correct typical diet for the two turtles would be Turtle X breaking nuts and digging for food on the ground, while Turtle Y reaches for food higher up on bushes and trees.

Question 6: Mutualism is an example of a relationship where both organisms benefit. To answer this question, you need to understand the different types of relationships between organisms and identify the one that involves mutual benefit.

Question 7: Parasitism is an interaction in which the host is harmed. To answer this question, you need to understand the different types of interactions between organisms and identify the one where the host is harmed.

Question 8: The theory of evolution is a theory and not a law because it explains how organisms change in response to the environment, rather than predicting which organism is best suited to the environment or being supported by a small amount of empirical evidence. To answer this question, you need to understand the difference between a theory and a law in science.

Question 9: The factors most likely to limit population growth in the Atacama desert are high temperature and low precipitation. To answer this question, you need to have knowledge about the specific environmental conditions of the Atacama desert and understand how those conditions would affect population growth.

Question 10: The most likely outcome variable (dependent variable) in the investigation studying the impact of the neck length of tortoises on survival rates in the Galapagos Islands would be the survival rate. To answer this question, you need to understand the difference between independent and dependent variables in a scientific investigation and determine which variable is being studied in relation to the other.

Question 11: The physical feature that is evidence supporting the evolution of Earth due to volcanic eruptions is the Hawaiian Islands. To answer this question, you need to have knowledge about the geological processes that create volcanic islands and understand how they provide evidence for the evolution of Earth.

Question 12: The description of the poison dart frog having bright skin that secretes a poisonous substance when it feels threatened describes a chemical defense adaptation. To answer this question, you need to understand the different types of adaptations organisms can have and identify the correct type based on the given description.

Question 13: The most likely outcome variable (dependent variable) for the study investigating the impact of fungal disease on the population of mountain yellow-legged frog in a recreational nature park would be the frog population. To answer this question, you need to understand the different variables in a scientific study and determine which variable is being studied to measure the impact of the fungal disease.

Question 14: The fossil that is the least similar to the modern-day man based on the given dates is the one that dates back to 2 million years ago. To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of fossil evidence and how it can be used to study the evolution of species over time.

Question 15: A control group serves as a reference for comparison during a scientific investigation. To answer this question, you need to understand the different components of a scientific investigation and identify which one serves as a reference for comparison.

Question 16: The discovery of 5,300-year-old Ötzi, the Iceman, has helped scientists in their knowledge by providing precise knowledge about his food and clothing. To answer this question, you need to understand the significance of Ötzi's discovery and how it has contributed to scientific knowledge.

Question 17: The natural process that most likely caused the formation of the Grand Canyon is erosion. To answer this question, you need to understand the geological processes that shape the Earth's surface and identify the one that is responsible for the formation of the Grand Canyon.

Question 18: If both organisms benefit from a relationship, the type of relationship that exists between them is mutualism. To answer this question, you need to understand the different types of relationships between organisms and identify the one where both organisms benefit.

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