Is there another word for synonym?

Another word for synonym is equivalent, analog etc.

Yes, there is another word for synonym, and it is "equivalent." If you want to find synonyms or equivalent words for any given word, there are different approaches you can take:

1. Consult a Thesaurus: Thesauruses are reference books or online tools that provide synonyms and antonyms for words. They can help you find alternative words that have similar meanings to the word you're looking for.

2. Use an Online Thesaurus: There are numerous online thesaurus websites available that can assist you in finding synonyms. Simply type in the word you want to find synonyms for, and the website will provide you with a list of equivalent words.

3. Utilize a Search Engine: You can also use search engines like Google to find synonyms for a word. Type "synonym for [word]" into the search bar, and the search engine will display a list of equivalent words.

By employing any of these methods, you can easily find an alternative word for a given word that you're trying to replace.

equivalent and analogue are close, but ...