Which describes meiosis II?

Every chromosome in the parent cell is copied.

The chromosomes pairs move to opposite ends of the cell.

Two new cells are formed with half the number of chromosomes.

The chromosomes move to the center of the cell.

Genes are carried on _____.





When sex cells combine to produce offspring, each sex cell will contribute _____.

the normal number of chromosomes in body cells

one-fourth the number of chromosomes in body cells

half the number of chromosomes in body cells

twice the number of chromosomes in body cells

How many chromosomes are in the body cells of grasshoppers?





What is a mutation?

any change that is helpful to an organism

any change that is harmful to an organism

any change in a gene or chromosome

any change in the phenotype of a cell


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To get the answer to the question "Which describes meiosis II?" you can refer to a biology textbook or search for reliable online sources about meiosis II. Meiosis II is the second division of meiosis, a process of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms. It involves the division of cells with the goal of producing sex cells (gametes) with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

To get the answer to the question "Genes are carried on _____." you can refer to a biology textbook or search for reliable online sources about genetics. Genes are carried on chromosomes. Chromosomes are thread-like structures made of DNA and proteins, and they contain the genetic information (genes) that determine the traits of an organism.

To get the answer to the question "When sex cells combine to produce offspring, each sex cell will contribute _____." you can refer to a biology textbook or search for reliable online sources about sexual reproduction. When sex cells (gametes) combine to produce offspring, each sex cell will contribute half the number of chromosomes in body cells. This is because each parent contributes one set of chromosomes to the offspring.

To get the answer to the question "How many chromosomes are in the body cells of grasshoppers?" you can refer to a biology textbook or search for reliable online sources about grasshoppers. The number of chromosomes in the body cells of grasshoppers is 24. This is known as the diploid number.

To get the answer to the question "What is a mutation?" you can refer to a biology textbook or search for reliable online sources about genetics. A mutation is any change in a gene or chromosome. It can be a change in the DNA sequence of a gene, a duplication or deletion of a gene, or a rearrangement of chromosomes. Mutations can occur spontaneously or be caused by environmental factors, and they can have various effects on an organism, which may be beneficial, harmful, or have no noticeable effect.

Remember to always consult reliable sources to get accurate and up-to-date information on these topics.