Which themes are presented in the poem "The Prediction"?

A. It is hard to judge people’s impressions, and it is challenging to exceed your own expectations.
B. It is hard to try new things, and it is challenging to share personal information with strangers.
C. It is hard to decide the right thing to wear in public, and it is challenging to say no to temptation.
D. It is hard to leave your friends behind, and it is challenging to forget the mistakes you have made.

I think it’s B

No nvm it’s D!

To determine which themes are presented in the poem "The Prediction," you will need to read and analyze the poem yourself. Here are the steps you can follow to understand the themes:

1. Find a copy of the poem: Look for the text of the poem "The Prediction" either in a book or online.

2. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem carefully. Pay attention to the words, phrases, and ideas presented in the poem. Consider the overall tone and mood.

3. Identify recurring ideas: Look for recurring ideas or issues that appear throughout the poem. Think about what the poet is trying to convey through these ideas.

4. Look for patterns and contrasts: Analyze the poem for patterns and contrasts. Consider any contrasting ideas or themes that the poet might be exploring.

5. Consider the title: Reflect on how the title of the poem, "The Prediction," relates to its content. Think about any predictions or foretellings that the poet might be making.

6. Reflect on personal experiences: Try to connect the themes presented in the poem to your own experiences or observations. Think about the universal messages or lessons that the poem might be conveying.

After going through these steps, you should be able to form your own understanding of the themes presented in "The Prediction" and determine which option, A, B, C, or D, best represents those themes.