Errol has 8 cups of rice LEFT. His recipe needs 3/4 OF A CUP of rice. How many times can he make the recipe before he runs out of rice?

I know I should divide 8 and 3/4 and the answer is 32/3, so should I put it into a mixed number if so it would be 10 2/3, and the whole number is 10. So the answer is 10 because he can't make his recipe 1/2 it has to be a whole number?

He can only make the recipe 10 times.

all done!

has been answered!


To solve this problem, you need to divide the total amount of rice (8 cups) by the amount of rice needed for each recipe (3/4 cup).

To divide mixed numbers, you can convert them to improper fractions. So, 8 cups becomes 8/1, and 3/4 becomes (3 * 1) / 4 = 3/4.

To divide fractions, you invert the divisor (the number you are dividing by) and multiply it by the dividend (the number you are dividing into). So:

(8/1) ÷ (3/4) = (8/1) * (4/3)

Multiply the numerators (8 * 4 = 32) and the denominators (1 * 3 = 3):

(32/1) / (3/3) = 32/3.

Now, let's convert the improper fraction 32/3 back into a mixed number. Dividing 32 by 3 gives you a quotient of 10 with a remainder of 2.

Therefore, Errol can make the recipe 10 times completely, with 2/3 cup of rice left over.