What role did the Catholic Church play in preserving and spreading information during the Middle Ages?

In Europe the record keepers and scribes were church priests and monks and they reported to a central authority in Rome. Few others could read and write. They held the civilization together. In the end they even were central to the Crusades.

The Catholic Church played a crucial role in preserving and spreading information during the Middle Ages. It acted as the primary institution responsible for education, literacy, and the preservation of knowledge. Here's how it accomplished this:

1. Monastic scriptoria: Monasteries served as centers of learning and knowledge. Monks meticulously copied and preserved ancient texts in their scriptoria (writing rooms). This helped to safeguard important works from the ancient world, including classical Greek and Roman writings, as well as religious texts.

2. Libraries: The Catholic Church established vast libraries in monasteries, cathedrals, and universities. These collections contained manuscripts, scrolls, and books, making knowledge more accessible within the Church.

3. Education: The Church was the main provider of education during the Middle Ages. It established cathedral and monastery schools, where children were taught reading, writing, arithmetic, and religious teachings. Later, universities that emerged from these schools, such as the University of Paris and the University of Bologna, became renowned centers of learning.

4. Translation and dissemination: The Church actively supported the translation of ancient works into Latin and other vernacular languages. This helped to make knowledge more accessible to a wider audience. Furthermore, missionaries spread knowledge and learning as they traveled to different regions, thereby contributing to the dissemination of information.

5. Patronage of scholars: The Church provided patronage and support to many scholars, theologians, and philosophers. Prominent figures such as Thomas Aquinas and Albertus Magnus received backing from the Church to pursue their intellectual pursuits.

It is important to note that the Church also had control over certain aspects of information, leading to censorship and the suppression of certain ideas that were considered heretical. However, overall, the Catholic Church played a significant role in preserving and spreading knowledge during the Middle Ages.