What evolves during natural selection?(1 point)

entire species

the proportion of different traits in a population

the phenotypes of individual organisms

inactivated genes

please help?? i don't need a direct answer but i'm kind of confused about this.

no ummm is wrong

the answers are

1.Natural selection does not change the alleles an organism has.
3.a mutation causes a specific advantage within the population
4.Brown fur will become predominant.
5.the proportion of different traits in a population

you don't need proof i just got ummm's questions wrong and this and what the system told me the answer were

Princess is 100% correct 👍🏻

Thank you! @princess iris.ln. PERIODT!

You're welcome! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions.

the phenotypes of individual organisms

is it correct?

Natural selection causes changes in(1

The correct incomplete statement is, "Natural selection causes changes in..."

In a general sense, natural selection causes changes in the traits of a population over time by favoring traits that increase the likelihood of survival and reproduction of individuals. However, it is important to note that natural selection acts on the variation already present in a population, and does not directly cause the variation itself.

In natural selection, the proportion of different traits in a population evolves over time. To understand why, let's break down the process of natural selection:

1. Variation: Within a population, individuals show variation in traits due to genetic differences. For example, in a population of birds, some may have longer beaks while others have shorter beaks.

2. Environmental Pressure: The environment poses challenges or opportunities for the survival and reproduction of organisms. In our bird example, let's say there is a limited food supply of seeds, and the birds with longer beaks are better equipped to reach and eat these seeds.

3. Differential Reproduction: Individuals with traits that are advantageous in their specific environment tend to survive and reproduce more successfully than those with less advantageous traits. In our bird example, the birds with longer beaks have a better chance of surviving and producing more offspring because they can get more food.

4. Inheritance: Successful individuals pass on their traits to their offspring. So, if birds with longer beaks are more likely to survive and reproduce, their offspring are more likely to inherit those long beaks.

5. Frequency of Traits in a Population: Over generations, as birds with longer beaks have an advantage in obtaining food, they will become more abundant in the population. The proportion of birds with longer beaks will increase, and the proportion of birds with shorter beaks will decrease. This shift in the frequency of traits within a population is what evolves during natural selection.

So, to answer your question, it is the proportion of different traits in a population that evolves during natural selection. The other options you mentioned are important factors in the process but do not represent what specifically evolves.

