Which statement is accurate about variations?

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Organisms with variations are less likely to pass these variations to their offspring.

Organisms with variations, , are less likely, , to pass these variations to their offspring.

Organisms with variations that give an advantage are more likely to survive.
Organisms with variations that give an advantage are more likely to survive.

In all cases, variations become more common in a population.
In all cases, variations, , become more common in a population, .

In all cases, variations affect how likely it is that an organism reproduces.

To determine which statement is accurate about variations, we'll first need to understand what variations are. Variations refer to differences or changes in certain characteristics or traits among individuals within a population. These variations can be physical, such as height or eye color, or they can be related to behaviors, abilities, or genetic makeup.

Now, let's go through each statement and evaluate its accuracy:

1) "Variations are only influenced by genetic factors."
This statement is incorrect. While genetic factors play a crucial role in determining variations, they are not the sole factor. Environmental factors, such as diet, lifestyle, and exposure to certain conditions, can also contribute to variations. In many cases, variations are influenced by a combination of both genetic and environmental factors.

2) "Variations always lead to better adaptation."
This statement is also incorrect. Variations can either be advantageous, disadvantageous, or neutral in terms of adaptation. While advantageous variations can provide individuals with better survival and reproductive advantages, disadvantageous variations may hinder their ability to succeed in their environment. Neutral variations, on the other hand, may not have a significant impact on an individual's adaptation.

3) "Variations are random and do not follow any patterns."
This statement is inaccurate. While variations may seem random on an individual level, they are subject to certain patterns at the population level. Over time, certain variations may become more or less common within a population due to natural selection, genetic drift, or other mechanisms. These patterns can shape the genetic makeup of a population and its ability to adapt to its environment.

4) "Variations are necessary for evolution to occur."
This statement is accurate. Variations are crucial for the process of natural selection and evolution to take place. Without variations, there would be no diversity in traits within a population, and therefore, no potential for natural selection to act upon. Variations provide the raw material for evolutionary processes to occur.

Based on the evaluation above, statement 4 is accurate, as variations are indeed necessary for evolution to occur.

I don't see any statements.