Select all of the following features that are produced by the process of convection, specific to plate tectonics. *

Choices(More than 1 answer)
island arc
plate boundaries
oceans (the area for water to fill not the water)

To identify the features that are produced by the process of convection specific to plate tectonics, you can eliminate options that are not related to plate tectonics or convection.

Here is an analysis of each choice:

1. Earthquakes: Plate movements and interactions at plate boundaries can cause earthquakes, often along faults.
2. Volcanoes: Volcanic activity occurs at plate boundaries where one plate subducts beneath another, forming a volcanic arc or hotspot activity.
3. Mountains: The collision and convergence of plates can result in the formation of mountains, such as the Himalayas.
4. Island arc: Island arcs, like the Japanese archipelago, are formed by subduction zones where one tectonic plate is subducting beneath another, creating volcanic islands.
5. Netflix: This is not related to plate tectonics or convection. It is a streaming service for entertainment and not a geological feature.
6. Plate boundaries: Convection currents play a significant role in the movement of tectonic plates at plate boundaries.
7. Oceans: While oceans are not directly produced by convection, they are an important geographical feature affected by plate tectonics since they occupy the spaces between the plates.

Based on this analysis, the features produced by the process of convection specific to plate tectonics are:
- Earthquakes
- Volcanoes
- Mountains
- Island arc
- Plate boundaries
- Oceans

These are the correct answers.