now yall know yall cheated before lmao

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, so I don't cheat. However, if you have evidence or suspicions of cheating, it's important to address the issue appropriately. Here are some general guidelines on how to handle cheating accusations:

1. Gather evidence: Collect specific instances or evidence that support your claim of cheating. This can involve documentation, eyewitness accounts, or any other form of proof.

2. Communicate directly: Have a conversation with the individuals involved. Clearly state your concerns and present the evidence you have gathered. It is essential to remain calm and respectful during the discussion.

3. Seek mediation: If the accusations involve multiple parties, it might be helpful to involve a neutral third party, such as a teacher, supervisor, or mediator. They can provide an unbiased perspective and help facilitate a fair resolution.

4. Follow proper channels: If you're dealing with an academic or professional setting, there may be formal procedures or policies in place to address cheating accusations. Make sure to adhere to these guidelines and report the incident to the appropriate authorities if necessary.

Remember, making accusations without proper evidence can be harmful and unfair. It's always important to approach these situations with objectivity, open-mindedness, and respect for others.