bacteria can multiply at an increasing rate. The bacteria doubles every hour, how many bacteria will we have by the end of one 12 hours ?

After 1 hour, 2, then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096. Add them up. I can't remember the formula to solve it more easily.

It depends upon how many you had to start with doesn't it?

Suppose you had 1 initially
1 to start at 8 a.m
2 at 9
4 at 10
8 at 11
16 at 12 noon
32 at 1 p.m.
64 at 2
128 at 3
256 at 4
512 at 5
1024 at 6
2048 at 7
4096 at 8
or you can use 2^12 = 4098

I'm sorry. My goof. You don't add them. My apologies.

Here is an online calculator in case you don't start with 1 bacterium.

To find out how many bacteria there will be by the end of 12 hours, we need to calculate the number of doublings that will occur in that time period.

Since the bacteria doubles every hour, after one hour we will have 2 bacteria (1 doubling). After two hours, we will have 4 bacteria (2 doublings). After three hours, we will have 8 bacteria (3 doublings), and so on.

To calculate the number of bacteria after 12 hours, we can use the formula:

Number of bacteria = Initial number of bacteria * 2^(Number of doublings)

In this case, the initial number of bacteria is 1 (assuming we start with only one bacteria). The number of doublings is the same as the number of hours, which is 12.

Plugging these values into the formula:

Number of bacteria = 1 * 2^12 = 1 * 4096 = 4096

Therefore, by the end of 12 hours, we will have 4096 bacteria.