A rope goes from one building to another. The distance between the buildings is 12m, and the rope is tied at each building at a point 8m and 3m from the ground. Find the length of the rope.

Plz help i kinda need it

Sketch your diagram and you will see that you can create a right-angled

triangle with legs of 5 m and 12 m
H^2 = 5^2 + 12^2
= 25 + 144
= 169
h = √169 = 13 m

Once you become more competent in math you will recognize the
5-12-13 along with the 3-4-5 right-angled triangle, as the simplest of
the Pythagorean triangles.

To find the length of the rope, we can use the Pythagorean theorem. The theorem states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

In this case, the distance between the buildings forms the hypotenuse, and the heights of the rope at each building form the other two sides. Let's call the length of the rope BC, the distance between the buildings AB, and the heights of the rope at each building AC and CB, respectively.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we have:

AB^2 = AC^2 + CB^2

Substituting the given values, we get:

12^2 = 8^2 + 3^2

Simplifying, we have:

144 = 64 + 9

Combining like terms, we have:

144 = 73

This is not possible, as 144 is not equal to 73. Therefore, there may be an error in the given information or calculations. Please double-check the given values and calculations to correctly determine the length of the rope.