for a particular event 841 tickets were sold for a total of 5393$. if students paid $5 per ticket and nonstudents paid $8 tickets per ticket how many student tickets were sold?

Where are the answer choices for the question

s+n = 841

5s+8n = 5393
5s+8(841-s) = 5393
s = ____

To find the number of student tickets sold, we can apply a mathematical approach.

Let's assume the number of student tickets sold is "x". Since we know that the total number of tickets sold is 841, we can write the equation:

x + (841 - x) = 841

Here, (841 - x) represents the number of non-student tickets sold.

Next, we can calculate the total revenue generated from the ticket sales. We know that students paid $5 per ticket and non-students paid $8 per ticket. So, the equation becomes:

5x + 8(841 - x) = 5393

Now we can solve this system of equations to find the value of "x" which represents the number of student tickets sold.

5x + 8(841 - x) = 5393
5x + 6728 - 8x = 5393
-3x = 5393 - 6728
-3x = -1335
x = (-1335)/(-3)
x = 445

Therefore, 445 student tickets were sold for the event.