In a race , Ram covers 5 km in 20 min. How much distance will he cover in A=100 min ?

B=25 km
C=26 km
D=35 km
E=40 km

x/100 = 5/20

Thanks oobleck!

To find out how much distance Ram will cover in 100 minutes, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

The given information states that Ram covers 5 km in 20 minutes. We can set up the following proportion:

5 km / 20 min = x km / 100 min

To find the value of x, we need to cross multiply and solve for it.

(5 km)(100 min) = (20 min)(x km)

500 km·min = 20 min·x km

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 20 min to isolate x:

500 km·min / 20 min = x km

Simplifying the left side of the equation, we get:

25 km = x km

Therefore, the distance Ram will cover in 100 minutes (A) is 25 km.

So, the correct answer is B = 25 km.

help pl?