The average weight of an empty soda can is 18.2 g 12 ounces of soda weighs 373.96 g how much does a soda cans full of soda weigh

What is difficult here?

18.2 g + 373.96 g = 392.16 g

To find out how much a soda can full of soda weighs, we first need to determine the weight of the soda itself.

Weight of an empty soda can = 18.2 g
Weight of 12 ounces (oz) of soda = 373.96 g

Now, we need to convert the weight of 12 ounces to grams. Since 1 ounce is approximately equal to 28.35 grams, we can calculate:

Weight of 12 ounces of soda in grams = 12 oz * 28.35 g/oz
Weight of 12 ounces of soda in grams = 340.2 g

To determine the weight of a soda can full of soda, we add the weight of the empty can to the weight of the soda:

Weight of soda can full of soda = Weight of empty soda can + Weight of soda
Weight of soda can full of soda = 18.2 g + 340.2 g
Weight of soda can full of soda = 358.4 g

Therefore, a soda can full of soda weighs approximately 358.4 grams.

To determine the weight of a soda can filled with soda, we need to subtract the weight of the empty can from the combined weight of the can and the soda. Here's the step-by-step explanation:

1. Start with the weight of an empty soda can, which is 18.2 grams.

2. Convert 12 ounces to grams since the weight of the soda is given in grams. There are approximately 28.35 grams in an ounce, so multiply 12 by 28.35:

12 ounces * 28.35 grams/ounce = 340.2 grams

3. Add the weight of the soda to the weight of the empty can:

18.2 grams + 340.2 grams = 358.4 grams

Therefore, a soda can filled with 12 ounces (373.96 grams) of soda weighs approximately 358.4 grams.