The average weight of a empty soda can isv18.2 grams. 12 ounces of soda weighs 373.96 grams. How much does a soda can full of soda weight?

18.2 + 373.96 grams

just add the soda and the can which means 18.12+373.96=392.08

To find the weight of a full soda can, we need to add the weight of the empty can (18.2 grams) to the weight of the soda (373.96 grams).

Therefore, the weight of a full soda can is equal to:

18.2 grams (empty can weight) + 373.96 grams (soda weight) = 392.16 grams

Thus, a soda can full of soda weighs 392.16 grams.

Why adding?

the liquid weighs 373.96

so add the weight of the empty can to get the weight of the full can (can+soda!)