There were 144 people at the basketball game. Tickets for the game are $3.50 for students and $5 for adults. If the total money received for admission was $492.50, which of the following would model the situation:

I have come across many fractional students

what are the situations.

To model the given situation, we need to represent the number of students and adults at the basketball game, as well as the total amount of money received for admission.

Let's use variables to represent the unknown quantities:
- Let's say the number of students at the basketball game is S.
- Let's say the number of adults at the basketball game is A.

Now, let's assign values to these variables based on the information given:
- There were 144 people at the basketball game, so we have the equation: S + A = 144
- Tickets for students cost $3.50, so the total money collected from students is 3.50S.
- Tickets for adults cost $5, so the total money collected from adults is 5A.

The total money received for admission was $492.50, so we have the equation: 3.50S + 5A = 492.50

Therefore, the situation can be modeled by the equation:
S + A = 144 (representing the number of people)
3.50S + 5A = 492.50 (representing the total money collected)

I would bet it would be the one that has

x+y = 144 and 3.5x + 5y = 492.5
where x is the number of students and y is the number of adults

the choice which says something like

c+a = 144
3.50c + 5.00a = 492.50

s + a = 144 so a = (144-s)

3.50 s + 5.00 a = 492.50

3.50 s + 5.00 (144-s) = 492.50
- 1.50 s = -227.50
s = 151 2/3
2/3 of a student ?