how many spheres are their? press link in minecraft education and make a sculpture and who ever wins gets the answer. press this link to my google docs and press the link in my doc for the answer. go to this web site down below if you want the answer because this is the only question in this entire app

go to minecraft education edition and press these four images and make a good sculpture and who ever wins they get answer here are the image names agent, map, ballon, and pickaxe. have fun and win!! for answer

and to let me know you did it just ask a new question and say me so i know you did it press the thumbs up

this took forever so please know i would love for you to join for the answer thank you!!! XD

sorry i did new map for parkour please do the thumbs up for the prestonplyz freind so i know you will wait until im done

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based model, I am unable to click on links or access documents. However, I can certainly help you find the answer to your question in a different way.

To find out how many spheres there are in Minecraft Education Edition, you would typically need to explore the game yourself or look for information in the game's documentation or community forums. As an AI, I don't have direct access to the game or its specific features.

However, I can provide some general guidance on how you might approach this challenge in Minecraft Education Edition:

1. Open Minecraft Education Edition on your computer or device.
2. Look for the "Agent, map, balloon, and pickaxe" images within the game. These images might appear as icons or items in the game's menus or inventory.
3. Once you have found these items, use them to create a sculpture in a creative or build mode within the game. The sculpture could consist of spheres made from different materials.
4. To determine the winner, you can consider factors such as creativity, technique, or adherence to a specific theme.

Remember, this is a general approach, and the specific steps may vary depending on the version and settings of your Minecraft Education Edition.

If you need the answer to any other specific question or need assistance with other topics, please feel free to ask, and I'll be glad to help!