Determine the longitude of town Y whose time is 8:00am when the time of another time constitute 30degrees East is 2:00pm.

To determine the longitude of town Y, we need to compare the time of town Y with the time of another location where it is known that the longitude is 30 degrees East. By comparing the time difference between the two locations, we can calculate the longitude of town Y.

Step 1: Find the time difference:
We are given that when the time at the location with a longitude of 30 degrees East is 2:00 pm, the time at town Y is 8:00 am. To find the time difference, subtract the time at town Y (8:00 am) from the time at the location with a longitude of 30 degrees East (2:00 pm).

2:00 pm - 8:00 am = 6 hours

Step 2: Convert the time difference to degrees:
Since there are 24 hours in a complete circle (360 degrees), we can set up a proportion to find the degrees in the time difference.

24 hours ------------ 360 degrees
6 hours ------------- x degrees

Cross-multiply and solve for x:
24x = 6 * 360
x = (6 * 360) / 24
x = 90 degrees

So, the time difference of 6 hours corresponds to a longitude difference of 90 degrees.

Step 3: Determine the longitude of town Y:
Since the time difference of 6 hours corresponds to a longitude difference of 90 degrees, we can determine the longitude of town Y by adding this longitude difference to the known longitude of 30 degrees East.

Longitude of town Y = 30 degrees East + 90 degrees
Longitude of town Y = 120 degrees East

Therefore, the longitude of town Y is 120 degrees East.