If Country A puts a tariff on goods from country B:

Country B's goods get cheaper for the citizens of country A
Country B's goods get more expensive for the citizens of country A
Country B's goods get more expensive all over the world
Country B's goods get cheaper all over the world.

The correct answer is (b) Country B's goods get more expensive for the citizens of country A.

When Country A puts a tariff on goods from Country B, it means that the government of Country A imposes an additional tax or fee on the imported goods from Country B. This extra cost is added to the original price of the goods, making them more expensive for consumers in Country A.

The purpose of implementing a tariff is usually to protect domestic industries and promote local production. By making imported goods more expensive, the government aims to encourage consumers to prioritize purchasing goods produced locally, which may be more beneficial for the domestic economy.

It's important to note that while the tariff makes the goods more expensive for the citizens of Country A, it does not necessarily impact the cost of goods globally or in other countries. The tariff only affects the importation of goods from Country B into Country A.