Find the longitude of a town y whose time is 8am. When the time in another town x longitude 30° east is 2pm the same day

To find the longitude of town y, given that town x is 30° east of it and the local time in town y is 8am, we need to calculate the time difference between the two towns.

First, let's determine the time difference caused by the longitude difference:

Since town x is located 30° east of town y, we can assume that for every 15° of longitude, there is a time difference of one hour. Therefore, a difference of 30° in longitude corresponds to a time difference of 2 hours.

Next, let's calculate the time in town x when it is 8am in town y:

Since we know there is a time difference of 2 hours, if it is 8am in town y, then it would be 6am in town x (2 hours before).

Now, we are given that in town x, the time is 2pm on the same day. We can determine the time difference between 6am and 2pm:

The time difference is 8 hours (2pm - 6am), indicating that town x is 8 hours ahead of town y.

Since we know that every 15° of longitude represents one hour of time difference, and we have a time difference of 8 hours, we can calculate the longitude difference:

8 hours / 1 hour per 15° = 8 * 15° = 120°

Therefore, town y is 120° behind town x in terms of longitude.

Please note that the longitude reference is typically measured from the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) passing through Greenwich, London. The positive values indicate the eastward direction, and the negative values represent the westward direction from this reference point.