Three friends ran a lemonade stand during the summer. They made $80 altogether. Paul was paid 3 times as much as Henry. Scott was paid 6 times as much as Henry. How much more money was Paul paid than Henry?

My answer = $16


P = Paul

S = Scott
H = Henry



This means Paul was paid P=3H=3(8)=$24. So the difference between how much Paul and Henry earned is P-H=$24-$8=$16. Therefore, Paul was paid $16 more than Henry. So I would agree with your answer.

To figure out how much more money Paul was paid than Henry, we need to determine the amount both of them were paid.

Let's assume Henry was paid $x.

According to the given information, Paul was paid three times as much as Henry, so Paul's payment would be 3 * $x = $3x.

Similarly, Scott was paid six times as much as Henry, so Scott's payment would be 6 * $x = $6x.

Since all three friends together made $80, you can write the equation:

Henry's payment + Paul's payment + Scott's payment = $80
$x + $3x + $6x = $80
$10x = $80

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 10:
$x = $80 / 10
$x = $8

So, Henry was paid $8.

To find out how much more Paul was paid than Henry, subtract Henry's payment from Paul's payment:
Paul's payment - Henry's payment = $3x - $x
= $3 * $8 - $8
= $24 - $8
= $16

Therefore, Paul was paid $16 more than Henry.