Rose is playing a game using a single die. The die is six-sided cube with each face having a number from 1-6 on it. For each roll resulting in a number greater than three she gets a point, and for each roll resulting in a number less than three she loses a point. She rolls the die on her next turn and says, “Oh I guess that means I neither lose nor win any points on this turn.” What number must have come up on the die

My guess is 3

Can you check and solve

To solve this problem, let's analyze the statement made by Rose, "Oh I guess that means I neither lose nor win any points on this turn."

We know that Rose gains a point for each roll resulting in a number greater than three and loses a point for each roll resulting in a number less than three. So, for Rose to neither lose nor win any points, it means that the number rolled on the die should be equal to either 3 or less than 3.

However, since the die is a six-sided cube and can only have numbers from 1 to 6, the only number that satisfies the condition of neither winning nor losing points is the number 3.

Therefore, the number that must have come up on the die for Rose to neither lose nor win any points on her next turn is 3.