how can this be sloved 2root3 over root 12

i dnt knw and i want to knw

i mean surd

√12 = √(4*3) = √4 * √3 = 2√3

so the fraction is just 2√3 / 2√3 = 1

To solve the expression 2√3 / √12, we can simplify it step by step.

Step 1: Simplify the square root (√) expressions individually.
√3 cannot be simplified further, but √12 can be simplified as follows:
√12 = √(4 x 3) [12 can be factored as 4 x 3]
√12 = √4 x √3 [Using the property √(a x b) = √a x √b]
√12 = 2√3

After simplifying, the expression becomes:
2√3 / 2√3

Step 2: Cancel out the common terms.
2√3 / 2√3 = (2/2) x (√3 / √3) [Canceling out the common terms]
2√3 / 2√3 = 1 x 1 [Simplifying the expression]

Therefore, the final simplified expression is 1.